By Hannah Johnson | @hannahsjohnson
See our complete guide to Frankfurter Buchmesse 2020 here. It has our latest stories, event highlights, our free digital magazine, and more.
The Charleston Library Conference, one of the most important events for academic libraries and publishers, today (October 16) brought a two-hour program to this year’s digital Frankfurter Buchmesse which included librarians, publishers and academic professionals.
Called “Charleston Library Conference Meets Frankfurter Buchmesse,” this digital program marks the start of a closer working relationship between the two big events.
According to Thomas Minkus, vice-president of the Frankfurter Buchmesse, Frankfurt and the Charleston Library Conference this year agreed to cooperate on programming and cross-promotion in order to bring more value to attendees to both events.
In the first half of Charleston’s program in Frankfurt, two major themes emerged from the speakers:
Academic libraries are making big changes in their collection development strategies
More work is needed to find sustainable business models for the entire spectrum of academic publishing