51st LIBER Annual Conference | LIBER 2022 | Odense, Denmark «Libraries in the Research and Innovation Landscape – Supporting, Partnering, Leading»

« Research libraries are undoubtedly at the heart of the research life cycle and at the core of providing support to researchers, university staff, students, and citizens. This role has been reinforced over the past few years while research libraries have been increasingly involved in the field of Open Science.
It is evident that research libraries are currently evolving and growing quite quickly, from a supporting role to a more consistent one: they are becoming increasingly recognised as valued partners and key players that not only support but co-develop initiatives, programmes, and labs — providing services not only for individual researchers but research itself, through grants, specific research programmes, data librarians and data stewards supply, as well as dedicated tools, for instance. Libraries are nowadays trusted partners in the research field and can lead the way by developing innovative partnerships and supporting research via sharing best practices, fostering communities, and providing tailored services.
Libraries are also increasingly recognised as key partners in research, through their participation in organisations such as LIBER, and by being present and represented in national and international initiatives like the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and several Horizon Europe 2020 projects.
As a result, research libraries play a growing role in the research and innovation landscape for the benefit of their research community. »

Mercredi, 6 Juillet, 2022 - 08:30 - Vendredi, 8 Juillet, 2022 - 15:30

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