New York City Digital Humanities Week

This year’s theme for NYCDH Week 2021, Care and Repair, will focus attention on NYCDH as a community of digital humanities practice impacted by the past year. NYCDH week will be organized to provide spaces for caring for one another and developing practices of repair at the personal and institutional level. We look to support each other in ensuring that universities, cultural heritage institutions, and anywhere else DH work is being done, prioritizes preparing students to demonstrate leadership as they engage with social, political, and ethical issues.

NYCDH Week 2021 will move to a fully online format, while continuing to do what it has done for the past six years — bring together individuals across the region who are interested in digital humanities, offering them opportunities to learn new techniques and skills, to hear about DH projects from across the city, and to connect with a vibrant and diverse community of scholars and practitioners. We have also added a series of evening workshops that will address the intersection of DH work and our community with healthcare and the COVID-19 pandemic, racial injustice and diversity, the difficulty of maintaining pedagogical missions, and the economic impacts of budget austerity and changing labor conditions.

Lundi, 8 Février, 2021 - 09:00 - Vendredi, 12 Février, 2021 - 18:45

Type d'événement: